“How many hills are there in Rome?” Surely at least once in your life they will have asked you this question. The answer is immediately spontaneous: “there are seven hills”. You will be amazed to know that the answer is wrong. Touring Fixer wants to dispel the myth about the Roman hills. It is true that Rome was born on some hills, but these are not seven, there are many more. One wonders: how many hills are there in Rome? If you are curious read on, Touring Fixer will give you the answer!

Why are only seven hills remembered?
The commonly known hills of Rome are: Palatine, Aventine, Campidoglio, Quirinale, Celio, Esquilino and Viminale. They are all located on the left bank of the Tiber River. Have you ever wondered why only these are remembered? We find the explanation in history. In ancient Rome, the seven hills marked the boundaries of the city center.
It must also be said that the Romans attached great importance to numbers: they were used to predict the future and to interpret reality. For this reason, in the old Roman society, the number seven was always present: seven hills, seven Priests in honor of Jupiter, seven kings, seven patrols of firefighters (vigilantes). The number seven is representative and full of symbolism even in our days: the rainbow is made up of seven colors, the days of the week and the musical notes are seven.
The Palatine: the hill of the foundation of Rome
Legend has it that the Palatine is the hill on which Romulus founded Rome. In the ancient Eternal City, this hill was chosen by all the wealthiest families as a place to build their homes. For these reasons, this territory was crucial for the development of the city.
The Palatine Hill is now considered one of the most important areas of the city, today it has become an open-air museum.

If you want to discover the wonders and secrets of Rome too, book one of our tours on the Touring Fixer website!